I Was Made In Another Reality.
Button earth I’m a weirdo, Alien, imaginative spirit of wonder using his weirdo, Alien, imaginative spirit of wonder powers to help humans fall in love with their liberated futures.
I also like men. Hi ;) You all are very cute on this planet. Do you want to see my alien butt?
Other labels I’m currently embodying: futurist, death doula, healer, elder-in-training, community mediator, storyteller, performance artist, spiritual mentor, and colloquially among contemporaries: Mystic Daddē of the Daddē Hotline (864) 71-DADDĒ, where I give quick, queer, dad-like advice. My practice is a culmination of life experiences, personal healing, learning how to have secure attachments, formal training, and over 20 years of human-centered work as a nonprofit professional and educator.
Companions have described me as tender, psychic, sensitive, funny, generous, direct, subversive, acerbic, intelligent, vulnerable, curious, interrogative, present, mischievous—I always reward the curious. Lots of hidden rooms. Because praxis is play! And I live by what I coach—with an old-world charm and deep compassion for others, i.e., I can talk and build connections with anyone.
Coach Stuff: I appreciate white people, I enjoy straight people, buttI’m not interested in getting coached by a straight white person. If you’re looking at my website that means you’re also searching for a coach who is intersectionally whole. I got the certifications—ICF & Co-Active—learned all the formal skills, kept the parts that honored transformational human work and tossed everything that didn’t help queer/trans/nonwhite people. Essentially, I sat in rooms with overly represented bodies so you don’t have to.
My practice is rooted in unity, abolition, and bringing somatic comfort, ease, and rest to everyone. Everyone. That said, I’m not for everyone. If we’re not a vibe, my gentle wisdom before you go: find a coach who has completed a rigorous learning program and grow your time only with coaches and healers who have shown deep, ongoing investment toward knowing their craft. The learning doesn’t have to be through formal institutions—because titles are ultimately scams and institutionalized ones are sometimes the most egregious—though it should be from a place that doesn’t make you feel skeptical.
Creative Stuff: Master of Fine Arts. Recovering fiction writer. Nice voice. Conceptual performances and growing. Want to see a sample of my creative outputs and see how my writerly imagination works?—not spam, I promise—email: xxx.xxxxxx.xxxx.xxxx@xxxxx.com then follow the links to see more. Feeling hesitant about sending a no-stakes email? Sounds like you're not ready to work together. Subscribe to my Substack: You Don’t Need to Be a Sad Earthling 💫 to get ready.
What’s with the colors, shapes, and loud website? They represent the language of my spirit, the ethos & values I hold in all aspects of my life and work, the vibrancy I feel being alive on this wild rock. Also, why not? Standards in professionalism were created by outdated patriarchs anyway. Ready to fly by the seat of your pants with a different kind of coach?